Normal Day
This weekend was just another normal manic weekend. So much to do and not enough time to do it. Working full time and not getting home until late in the evening five days a week leaves all the running around for the weekend. Add to all the normal stuff that has to get done every weekend, a home improvement project* that I started a few weeks ago and that had to get done this weekend, and it was an extraordinarily manic weekend. All the while I'm hither, thither and yon trying to get everything done before Monday arrives (unsuccessfully, I might add), poor Jack got very little of my attention. Alas, my normal includes a little boy who patiently and silently waits for me to feed him, suction him, reposition him, give him something to hold, change the TV channel, put in a new movie and give him a hug and a kiss in passing. But, the fact that I can do all that and still manage to get out of the house and get things done, counts as a good weekend in my book.
That's my normal and I'll take it ... and treasure it.