Happy Thanksgiving
For rest and shelter of the night,
For health and food, for love and friends,
For everything Thy goodness sends.
~Ralph Waldo Emerson
Happy Thanksgiving!
I'm participating in Love That Max photo carnival by posting my favorite picture of Jack.
As if I need something else to get the tears flowing these days. I downloaded Annie Lennox's new Christmas Album (A Christmas Cornucopia) from iTunes tonight and heard the song "Universal Child" for the first time. I can't imagine that this song won't move every parent to tears, but especially those of us with kids who struggle every day just to live and do those things that too many take for granted - our extraordinary children who are on this earth to teach us all to love unconditionally, appreciate the simple things, accept what we cannot control and to persevere through adversity.
I invite you to join me in a good cry .............
So, I wrote a post on Friday night that I published and then deleted. It was way too "woe is me" that even I couldn't stand it. I should know to NEVER write blog posts on Friday nights. Friday nights have always been the toughest day of the week for me. I could give you all the reasons why, but if you don't live the life, you won't get it and if you do live the life, you already get it, so I'll spare you the explanation.
Things are just really hard for me right now. I miss my mom. It's hard losing your mom. It's exceptionally hard when you didn't get to see her before she died and when you didn't take the opportunity to tell her things you wish you had before she died. I find myself in tears every day.
Thank you for riding along with us on our journey.