Sunday, January 19, 2014

Video - Jack's Journey

Video shown at Jack's Celebration of Life 

Jack's Journey


Claudia said...

Beautiful. Jack was such a special boy. xoxo

The Hogan family said...

What a marvelous celebration of who Jack was and how he changed the world with that smile. Simply beautiful! Hugs.

Roberta Simon said...

No words to describe how I feel after watching that. I know Jack was and is still loved beyond measure. So beautiful to a boy who smiled!!!

Anonymous said...

absolutely beautiful!

jack sure left his mark on the world.

is that him laughing at the end? i love it!

Katie said...

I've been trying to watch this for days now and I couldn't get it to play (my computer). I finally got it tonight. And I'm of course in tears. Ann, what a beautiful tribute to Jack. I loved it. Hugs and know I'm still thinking of you. :) Always.