Those of you who have read my Facebook page already read this. However, because life is calm and I'm still "riding the wave", I have little to write about these days. So, I'll just share with you 25 random things about me. Boring, yes ... but it's all I've got for now.
1. I played the accordion from the age of 8 until I was 12.
2. I went to Catholic grade school, high school and one semester at a Catholic college. These days, however, I’m not a big fan of the Catholic church.
3. I was a softball pitcher in grade school and high school. Because I was a “windmill” pitcher, I now have a shoulder that pops out of socket rather easily. Unfortunately, it doesn’t pop back in quite as easily.
4. I have three sisters and two brothers and I am the second oldest.
5. I’m comfortable with people one-on-one, but I’m shy in large groups and typically have little to say.
6. I believe in God, but don’t believe I need to be inside a building to have a relationship with God. God is very much a part of my daily life.
7. I cry often when I’m by myself, but never in front of people.
8. I worry that when my kids are old enough to leave home, they’ll leave and never want to come back.
9. I’m okay with going places and doing things by myself.
10. I was the spelling bee champion of my school in 7th grade.
11. I'm a camera buff. I have my camera with me at all times (you already knew this).
12. I don’t like animals. We’ve had a dog for 5 years now and I haven’t petted her once (although, she is likable - for a dog).
13. I’m fiercely independent and I absolutely hate asking for help.
14. I always wanted to be a mom. When I young and planning out my perfect life, I wanted 10 kids. God thought it would be more fun to give me two kids with disabilities. The amount of work involved equals that of at least ten kids.
15. The first guy I dated seriously was 15 years older than me (I was 20, he was 35).
16. I bite my fingernails.
17. I’ve been called a pediatric eater. I don’t like to try new foods. I don’t really like meat, but will eat chicken or turkey on occasion. The last time I ate a hamburger was over 20 years ago.
18. I drink a beer every night.
19. I'm always cold. I have a space heater in my office that is always on, even in the summer months.
20. I swear a lot.
21. When I was a kid, my best friend and I would spend the entire Labor Day weekend collecting money for Jerry’s Kids. It was the highlight of our year. Now that I have a Jerry’s Kid, I want nothing to do with MDA, can’t even force myself to watch the telethon.
22. I decided when I was 11 years old that I wanted to be a doctor. When I didn't get accepted into medical school, I applied to law school on a whim and got in. If I could do it over again, I would have gone to pharmacy school instead of law school.
23. I don’t cook.
24. I always have my teeth clenched and have to remind myself to relax my mouth.
25. I’m a native Arizonan and I’ll take the hot Arizona summers and the beautiful Arizona winters over the four seasons any day.