Wednesday, November 19, 2008

Stress Addict?

It's a good thing I started the week off "relaxed and rested" because I refer you to last Thursday's post to get a sense of how I'm feeling mid-week. I can't seem to shake the feeling of being Overwhelmed. I really don't have any particular reason to feel so stressed. Everyone is healthy, doing well (just don't ask me about Hilary's progress report) and no major events are planned (if you don't count Thanksgiving and Christmas.) Is it that I have to actually Be overwhelmed to feel Underwhelmed? When I don't have any real reason to be stressed, I think my body creates its own stress because it doesn't know how to react. I think I'm Addicted to stress. I swear, I need to drink more therapy.

I'm signed up to go on a 7-day Caribbean Cruise in February. The person who was supposed to go with me informed me she can't go now and I haven't yet been able to find a substitute cabin-mate. While the thought of spending seven days All.By.Myself sounds appealing, I'm not sure I can do it. How can my body possibly handle seven straight nights of eight hours of uninterrupted sleep, relaxing on the deck of the ship, reading, writing, eating, drinking, walking along the beaches of Grand Turk, Puerto Rico, St. Croix, and the Bahamas? I think the lack of stress will Kill me!

Seriously, I don't think I can do it. I have to make a decision soon because I need to book my flight to Florida. I just can't decide. I know . . . I'm nuts. Certifiably.


Anonymous said...

I know exactly how you feel. I have to find things to keep me busy during stress free periods. Taking time out makes me feel guilty. However, I wish I could join you on that cruise (I'm sure you'll get lots of offers!), it would be great fun. A few years ago John sent me to a spa for a couple of days. I went alone. It was lovely and very relaxing and I was just starting to chill when it was time to come home again. It was nice to spend time on my own but the evenings were difficult, dining alone, I really felt I needed a friend to talk to at that point. (((HUGS)))

Cindy said...

I think we get so used to living from crisis to crisis, we do adapt to it. You get so used to living in "crisis mode" that when there is no immediate crisis to deal with, you think that something is missing. And your body doesn't understand and kind of keeps the fight or flight chemicals pumping. So you feel the anxiety and stress even when everything is fine. Not good for your body, as we all know that stress will age you and possibly kill you before your time. If you can get past the guilt of taking a week for yourself, then go. It sounds wonderful. But if the guilt and worry about going will cause too much stress, maybe it's not worth it. Ugggg. I know how you feel, you can't really win. But I hope you go:-)

The Marangella Family said...

We are indeed addicted to stress. Sometimes I am stressed only because I'm not stressed. I know exactly what you're going through, I refer to it as my "funk" and oddly enough it happens to me every year around this time. Perhaps it's the change of seasons, perhaps it's the holidays, perhaps it's the impedending anniversary of my 29th birthday – or perhaps it’s all of these things rolled up into one. I also know that we find it hard to justify anything that is just for us, we feel we’re cheating someone by taking something for ourselves, instead we are really only cheating ourselves. Take a leap of faith and go on your cruise, enjoy yourself, have a few drinks for me and then come back and tell me all about it so that I may live vicariously through you! Sending a great big hug….sounds like you need it.

Sarah said...

I absolutely get the "there's no crisis" stress. I wander around the house in a panic because I feel like I'm forgetting to do something that I should be doing. If I'm extremely busy, I have a list a mile long of things I would do when I have a free moment. If that blue moon ever comes where I get a free moment, I completely forget what it was I was supposed to do. I would go for the cruise....even alone. I'm sure dinner would be lonely, but you never know who you might meet.... Love and Hugs!

Anonymous said...

Yes, stress can be addictive! I hope you do go on your cruise and find a buddy to go with!!