Tuesday, March 25, 2008

Back to "Normal"

After a two week and one day Spring Break -- my kids are back in school today. It's back to our normal morning madness. It was nice to be able to sleep in a little longer the last few weeks, with Jack being sick. Eric reminded me this morning that he hates school (what he really hates is having to leave the morning cartoons he is watching). He told me that "kids who are homeschooled are so lucky". When I told him that I couldn't home school him because I have to work, he told me I could homeschool him at night. He's only six years old and he thinks he's ready for night classes!

On the Jack front, I dare say he is almost back to baseline. I never did hear if Jack's pulmonologist called in a new prescription for the antibiotic I spilled or if insurance is going to pay for it. When I called yesterday, the doctor hadn't returned the pharmacy's call regarding the need for a new script. Today, I never got around to checking into it. Que Sera, Sera . . .

AND FINALLY ............... Jack's eye gaze communication system will be delivered tomorrow. Amen! We are having a team meeting (OT, Speech, me) to all learn how the system works. I'm cautiously optimistic that this will open up a new world for Jack. Here is a link to a news story about a man who has ALS and who uses an eye gaze system. Eye Gaze Communication This person uses his eyes to spell out the words he wants to both speak and write but cannot due to his disease. Incidentally, our dear friend Peggy is one of the nurses who cares for this person (whose name also happens to be "Jack"). You can learn more about him at his website: www.extrahands.org. There is an interesting story behind the name Jack and its connection to Peggy that I will share someday.

I don't expect Jack to be spelling out words from the get go, but hopefully ... someday. There are a lot of features this system offers (including the ability to turn on the television remotely). We have lots to learn. I'll try and get some video tomorrow. Hopefully, Jack is feeling well enough to have a productive training session.

Stay tuned .........


Karen said...

I'm so excited for Jack to get his device! Hopefully next time I see him he can tell me to GO AWAY like he always wanted to! I would LOVE that! Karen

Anonymous said...

I am excited that his system will be in operation soon. I'm sure he will love it once he gets the hang of it! Congratulations on some really good news!

Anne said...

I didn't know that Peggy took care of Jack Orchard (I don't know him or anything-just know of him). That makes me want to cry. I can't wait to hear how things go for Jack once he gets his device. How incredibly exciting.

Anonymous said...

Yeah!! Good news all around except for little Eric! He'll have to get use to it, eh? :)