Sunday, June 17, 2007

Blog Template

No you are not losing your mind (but perhaps I am) - I've changed the template to the blog about 5 times this weekend. My previous "new" template was too dark for me. Mary likes this one - she says it puts the focus on my words and not the surroundings, but I'm waiting for my sister to tell me it's too "bright". (Maureen?) I'm open to feedback, so please do share. After all, I do need to keep our readers happy :-) I wish I had the computer knowledge to create my own template, but I don't -- so, I have to go with what's available.

We are heading to my sister's house for a Father's Day get together. I'm not sure Jack will be too thrilled about getting out in 100+ degree temps, but he is going!

Thanks for checking in and Happy Father's Day to all the fathers who check in on us.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Hope you enjoy yourself at your sister's - despite the weather.
The new template is cool - funny thing is - I can't remeber what the old one was like now hehehe. I'm obviously cracking up!
